Nor does one have to go that far to register the difference in perceptions between saving money and sustainability. In the regional analysis of Brazil, respondents residing in the Northeast, a region with the lowest per capita income in the country, are among the main ones who buy second-hand products to save money (42%), while those residing  in the Southeast, a region with the highest per capita income, appear as the least influenc by this reason (35%). Discontinu products also influence purchases Another reason that influences respondents to buy use products is the possibility of finding products that are not offer as new (13%). This factor is mainly in line with the consumption of smartphones, since many companies usually launch new versions of cell phones and withdraw products from the line. This leads to two consequences.

This factor is mainly in line with

The impossibility of paying the original price of a product leads some consumers to resort to recommerce Companies that choose to invest in this type of business should be aware of the amount to be charg, as the item must have an attractive value for the consumer’s pocket. Factors such as the state of conservation of the product, model  and year of manufacture can influence the final quotation. That’s why it’s important to have tools to optimize pricing , as this type of system considers competitor analysis and revenue targets to Mozambique B2B List suggest a final value. Tips for your business to sell use products Find a fair value for the sale of pre-own products that does not generate losses and is not so much higher than the value appli in the market. Offer different means of payment.

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Consumer Protection Code

Especially relat to the condition of the item and include specifications about apparent damage, if applicable. Comply with the rules of the Consumer Protection Code , as they also apply in the trade of use items. That is why it is important to identify, in the case of smartphones, for example, which models have the most sales potential. Most are Mobile Lead concern with product life cycle It’s not uncommon to come across people who believe that companies have move on to producing products that are built to not last; this is actually not just printing but a business strategy.