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Facebook and Instagram monitor your activity

It is completely pointless to convince ourselves that we only use social media for a few hours a day. We all know very well that the world currently revolves around what is spread online.

If we don’t want to be out of the game and keep up with trends, we simply have to be online. But the question remains, HOW OFTEN? Have you ever thought about tracking how much time you spend on the content of those you follow? Forget about dashes and super smart apps. Facebook and Instagram will do it for you. And they will calculate it for you.

A new dashboard,

Coming soon to both Facebook and Instagram, will show users an overview of how often and on what devices they use the platforms.

Time spent on the networks will be bc data brazil controllable and limited to a certain number of hours using a timer. Once you exceed the set time, you will automatically receive a notification, letting you know that you have been on the network for too long.

Although the new feature

Is mainly intended to encourage responsible use of social media, the goal of both Facebook and Instagram is for users to only engage in quality content for a limited time.

So that the time they spend on 5 tips to boost creativity the networks is intentional, positive and, most importantly, inspiring. On the other hand, for Facebook and Instagram, this means that users will spend less time on their networks.

The new feature will be

Available in both apps under the “Settings” section. The main dashboard will show the average time you’ve spent in the app on a specific device, as well as the total time you’ve spent in the app for a given day.

You’ll also be able to set a specific time colombia business directory limit for your time spent online, including a notification that will be sent to you when you exceed that time limit.

If for any reason you don’t like the initial settings or you feel like Facebook and Instagram are bullying you too much, you can of course adjust or cancel the initial settings at any time.

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