Creativity sometimes has big eyes. To prevent the reader from wanting to run away, it’s a good idea to keep text improvements at bay. Read about the pitfalls to watch out for.
Don’t make a circus out of the text
Italics, bold, underline, bold italics… Yes, Word offers a lot of trinkets. But demonstrating to readers that you can use them all is really not necessary.
While appropriately highlighting bc data america important parts helps with better orientation in the text , decorating every other word will do you a disservice. After all, who would want to torture their eyes with something like that?! ↓
If you highlight almost everything, nothing will be important – such a circus will scare the reader and they will run away.
Beware of the padding
Anyway, de facto, actually, simply, somehow, so, as if… Did you also have fun counting your teacher’s favorite filler word in school? Then it’s time to make a few lines on your own account.
Unnecessary word fluff spoils texts just sklik branding – first results as much as spoken speech . Read a longer text of yours out loud and record yourself on a dictaphone. Did you count at least three identical examples?
Congratulations! You’ve discovered your filler. Now all you have to do is press Ctrl+f for each finished text and weed it out.
Be careful with abbreviations
Remember the famous song by Ivan Mládek . To prevent your copy from sounding similar, check how you are using abbreviations. Sometimes it is better to colombia business directory make a few more keystrokes than to serve your readers something like this:
“Medicinal herbs include, for example, the so-called “old woman’s ear” (i.e., sage), common sage, etc.”