contact name: Rita Rosales
contact job function details: owner
contact job function:
contact job title: Owner
contact job seniority: owner
contact person city: Del Rio
contact person state: Texas
contact person country: United States
contact person zip code: 78840
business name: The Property Shop
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
estonia mobile phone numbers database
business angellist:
business found year: 2004
business city: Stourbridge
business zip code:
business state: England
business country: United Kingdom
business language: English
business employee: 63
business category: real estate
business specialty: residential sales, residential acquasitions, property management, residential lettings, property auctions, real estate
business technology: google_universal_analytics,facebook_widget,css:_@media,apache,mobile_friendly,facebook_web_custom_audiences,css:_max-width,google_maps,google_analytics,facebook_login
business description: Local independent estate agents in Stourbridge, Netherton & Dudley, offering homes & commercial property to buy & rent. Fixed fees of just £792.