Having a marketing strategy can be compared to having a compass that sets the direction for the people managing the brand . Vustomer relationships . And the company.
According to 61% of respondents to our study, indicating the direction was the most important benefit of having a marketing strategy.
48% of respondents indicated that the marketing strategy makes it easier to maintain brand consistency. This aspect is my opinion . One of the key factors of success. You can’t talk about a strong brand that is not consistent with the pillars on which it is built.
44% of respondents indicated the efficiency nature of the strategy. In general, this is very logical. If you have clearly defined goals and denmark telegram data methods of achieving them and you subject them to execution, . Then it must obviously lead to the implementation of the adopted assumptions.
How to assess whether the adopted strategic assumptions are appropriate?
To properly assess whether the strategy and its assumptions are correct, you need to measure the results achieved and check how well they are aligned with the adopted goals. Very often I suggest to my clients to start analyzing their actions create an email list: building a valuable opportunity immediately when the execution process begins.
This analysis must be done on many levels, depending on the activities being carried out. If, for example, you are building an image based on the adopted positioning and commission the development of a visual identification for your brand . Then at the very stage of debriefing creative proposals you must assess their compliance with the assumptions.
It may happen that a creative agency delivers an artistically interesting project, but inconsistent with the brand’s positioning. In such situations, the opinion of a marketing consultant often proves to be india phone list invaluable support , as he will help us assess the project in terms of compliance with the adopted assumptions.
as you can see . Analysis starts at the creative india phone list stage, before the brand starts any communication with its audience.
What if the brand has been on the market for some time and you want to check if everything is fine or what needs improvement?
In such a case . It is worth doing a comprehensive marketing audit. Every marketing ecosystem sometimes tends to get stuck or even fade away. This is due to various reasons. Sometimes it is the pressure of competition . Sometimes it is the reasons on the part of the brand that does not use its full potentia . For example t cannot find its place in the digitalized world using social media to contact customers. Sometimes it is the lack of innovation in the product/service, and sometimes it is the departure of customers to brands that do not necessarily provide a better product, but a better experience .