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What question must be answered in order to use the senses for business purposes?

    • What do recipients see and feel at a given moment and how do they behave?
    • What stimuli cause this?
    • Which effect is the goal of our actions? Cognitive , emotional , or behavioral (influence on behavior)?
    • What incentives need to be added to increase the likelihood of achieving the intended response?
    • What should be the strength of sensory stimulation to achieve the intended effect?

How can you use sensory marketing in business practice?

Sensory Marketing – the sense of sight:

Make sure that the images your brand uses are greece telegram data  appropriate for your strategic goals. Both at the level of graphics, photos, and the entire visual identification, which is one of the most important elements of branding.

In order for the sense of sight to work to the benefit of your brand,  you need to take care of the visual details so that they subconsciously trigger the expected reactions.

In this case, it is important to remember that every detail will count.

Starting with the selection of symbols such as  expert local courier services in mumbai brand colors, logo, typography, brand pattern, key visual, etc. It will also be important how customers coming into contact with the company will perceive the design at points of contact such as: the website, social media, advertisements, the way the car fleet is wrapped, the physical design of your company, and even the clothing of your employees.

Make sure that the visual elements you use are consistent with  your strategic assumptions . It is extremely important for a brand to be able to create a whole visual ecosystem around itself, giving it a chance to stay in the customer’s mind. Don’t let the chaos that results from not keeping an eye on the brand’s visual identity get into the elements you use.

In other words: if you care about the proper india phone list  perception of your brand in the eyes of your customer, you cannot assume that what they see is unimportant.

Create a brand image that, at first glance, makes everything clear and legible to your potential customers.

Sensory Marketing – The Sense of Hearing:

The sense of hearing is the second most important marketing sense,  which effective marketers use in the process of reaching  india phone listconsumers’ attention. All messages that appeal to the sense of hearing immediately gain a depth of expression.

I’m 100% sure that if I played you a jingle right now informing you that I’m writing this on an  Intel-based computer,  you’d recognize it immediately, right?

This use of the sense of hearing for marketing purposes is called  audio branding.  Strong brands that understand the importance of creating  distinctive brand assets  (distinctive, separate from the competition) choose the audio format to strengthen the emotional “footprint” in the minds of their customers.

This is a very effective way to allow marketers to build the right emotional experience that creates relationships.

In the case of the sense of hearing, you, as an effective marketer, can choose audio tools such as:

    • A special jingle that will open any of your programs using the video format.
    • Podcast as an educational format,in which you will introduce your audience to knowledge about the specifics of your product, service, industry news. A great example of this is the podcast“This Old Marketing”,hosted byRobert Rose and Joe Pulizzie.
    • Using hybrid content formats, for example: combining text content with a presentation discussed by the presenter. I call this form a videocast . It allows for combining the senses of sight and hearing, without distracting the recipient’s attention with elements of body language presenting the specific knowledge of the narrator.
    • Using music that is consistent with your brand identity. If, for example, you run a spa, then it will be great to put your clients in a good mood by choosing the right music that will allow them to calm down and feel relaxed.

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