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Get to know the Hackathon Talent Day

Hackathon talent day, the first hackathon in costa rica with grupo américa’s own talent to promote the culture of innovation and become a benchmark in central america. However, In an effort to promote the culture of innovation Get to know the  in the companies of grupo américa of costa rica. We held an unprecedented event: the hackathon talent day . Therefore, Unlike the usual hackathons, in this innovation event we have the participation of talent from the companies amcor and afz belonging to grupo américa, over two intensive days. The first 6-hour day aimed at senior managers and a second 12-hour day with key talents within both organizations.

The general objective of the hackathon

Talent day was clear: to provide grupo américa’s key talent with innovative tools and methodologies. That they could apply in their daily lives and promote New Zealand Phone Number Data the culture of innovation. The premise was simple but ambitious: turn participants into engines of innovation. Capable of driving transformation within their teams and contributing to the sustainable growth of grupo américa companies. Day one: empowering leaders the opening day consisted of a six-hour session for senior managers of companies belonging to grupo américa.

Phone Number Data

The group of business leaders

Immersed themselves in an environment of learning and exploration through an innovation marathon where they learned and worked with the latest methodologies in innovation and creativity to solve the Canada Phone Number List company’s current challenges . Therefore, The idea was to provide these managers with a renewed vision and practical tools to lead change processes and promote a culture of innovation. From 8 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon. Therefore, The managers were guided through different phases designed to enhance their transformative and innovative capacity. Starting with the rules of the game and the presentation of the challenge. Until the ideation and development phase. Managers were guided through an innovation process.

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