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Innovating through servitization

From product to service, the key to innovating in your business. On september 23, the first innova&action meeting took place after the summer months. It was held in the sala refectori of the center del carme de cultura cotemporànea and was taught by xènia viladàs. To contextualize xènia, it went back to the adam smith era, in which the product was the central axis and quickly reached servitization, where it went deeper. Servitization, in the speaker’s words, serves to maintain the client and create a relationship with him.

Using the example of vehicles

We see how when selling a car I lose the customer at the time of the transaction. But there is the option for this fully transactional relationship to become Japan WhatsApp Number Data relational, by offering services related to that car to maintain contact with the customer and not lose them. The change in the model requires a change in mentality and a change in the business, which requires finding new partners and doing it differently. He influenced this idea, because servitizing does not mean becoming an expert in what we want to incorporate.

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But rather it means creating

New alliances and for this it is extremely important to know the ecosystem. To exemplify the theory, xènia turned to examples of large brands that have known how to adapt the change from the transactional to the Mexico WhatsApp Number List relational model. She mentioned the case of lego and amazon, among others. As a summary of the first part of the session and before continuing with the proposed practice, xènia highlighted the key points to take the step: see the ecosystem to detect opportunities identify partners deploy scenarios implementation plan monitoring if you want to enjoy the next meetings, join our club.