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Subpage or article on our blog pay

Subpage or big plus here is that brand ambassadors most likely have the most relevant network for the company because of their connections with customer relations. The connections are also more likely to believe these individuals than company pages. In addition, posts from someone in the network are responde to more quickly, so that employee advocacy also ensures much greater involvement. The only drawback of personal profiles is that there are no extensive statistics of the posts, while this can be done for free on a company account. There are paid tools for this, such as Shield or Inlytics.

Attention to how long it will take

Great examples of personal LinkeIn posts Below you see three examples of personal, well-functioning LinkeIn posts . All three posts are writte differently. Wouter van Noort’s post (left) goes viral after he shares a new message photo editor asking whether cheap train travel should also happen in the Netherlands. Jordi Bron’s middle posts are about being proud of his employees, including a video. Christiaan (right) post about the staff shortage at a catering company. Thanks to the creative solution of the catering company, they manage to get someone like Christiaan to write a post about this.

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A good example of earne meia. Employee Advocacy – examples of personal posts on LinkeIn For which type of organizations is employee advocacy interesting Large organizations from 50 employees. With many brand ambassadors you generate Mobile Lead much more reach. But it can also pay off in small organizations. Brands with a dealer network. This allows local content to be pushe to accounts from a regionally centralize content strategy. Franchise organizations. This way you can get a grip on the content distribution of the total brand with one tone of voice. Employee advocacy solutions. But how can you organize this clearly.

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