Getresponse a screenshot of getresponse’s website. A screenshot of getresponse’s website in 2021. While getresponse offers services for both small and enterprise businesses. They thrive when providing email marketing solutions to small businesses. They boast over 500 responsive email templates and have a drag-and-drop email itor that’s both easy to use and appreciat by their customers. Though it’s important to mention: the ability to create emails through the drag-and-drop email builder isn’t as robust as when customers it emails through the code. While they supply many great crm and ecommerce integrations. Getresponse limits many of its advanc features to lists of a certain size.

Reviews from getresponse

These limits might make it difficult for small business email marketers to grow their email strategy over time. Reviews from getresponse customers one of the best programs to send emails. Getresponse is an incrible tool to do email marketing. In our company we use it to manage our entire list europe email list of clients and distribute in an organiz way all our informative and promotional emails. Usually the emails arrive or inbox or promotions which is very good and shows great quality in this tool.

The percentage of reading and opening

The percentage of reading and opening emails. Getresponse has a very intuitive and advanc email itor with good templates to create our emails. We usually use it to create promotional emails. You can also manage your contact lists and possible customers. I have import them from Mobile Lead any other data collection tool. On the other hand. Regarding the price getresponse is very kind because their plans in quality and price are excellent and they offer us a large amount of monthly emails for a really accessible price. — maria s. Marketing specialist it is a very reliable tool for email marketing.


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