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They create the brand image and it is around

It can therefore be said that there are no bad solutions in territorial marketing. It all depends on whether a particular idea meets the nees of the inhabitants and whether there will be investors and tourists willing to come to such a place. Community blog Forms and types of territorial marketing Taking into account the range of influence and the specificity of the group of recipients of marketing communication, we distinguish internal and external marketing. We consider each of them in relation to two levels – closer and further.

Them that companies should build

Internal territorial marketing of the closer level includes activities addresse to employees of the local government or a unit providing services to residents. These activities are aime at coordinating work, improving the quality of services database provide and integrating a team of people focuse around a specific goal. It is marketing prepare and carrie out by the authorities of a given unit or on their instructions. Do you want to stand out from the city, region or country? We will develop the best strategy. Enter your e-mail, we will contact you Internal territorial marketing at a further level focuses on activities stimulating the behavior of residents and entrepreneurs operating in a given territorial unit.


Their advantage on the market

It is the desires and nees of these entities that determine the goals.  To be achieve by the marketing of a given territorial unit. What does this target group nee ? This may be, for example, the creation of appropriate conditions for living, learning Mobile Lead and working.  Activating the community around important values ​​and enabling the development of economic activity. Proximal level external territorial marketing includes activities carrie out in the country.  Aime at recognizing the reasons why individuals or groups of people choose.  A specific place to visit, live or do business. It leads to the creation of an offer presenting the advantages of a given territorial. Unit in terms of tourism, existential or business.

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