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What to do to activate a sustainable investment process?

How to be more sustainable? What should we do? Where should we look? To focus and direct our gaze, last friday we had our innova&action meeting on sustainability and investment. The opportunity to learn about a new way of responsible innovation such as sustainable investment . A path that has already been opened for numerous companies that decide to commit to sustainability within their r&d&I processes. A commitment and investment for sustainability that the expert natalia ruiz, managing partner of net zero ventures , was speaking to us in more depth about, a new climatech fund with a strong esg commitment.

As soon as we started

To put us in context, natalia was explaining to us the importance of time and the moment in which we find ourselves . A reality in which our way of acting as a company becomes more important. And what we do or Australia WhatsApp Number List stop doing directly affects our environment. To convey this message to us, natalia wanted to ask us the following question: “what is the most important thing to make a good paella? ”. Many of the attendees raised their hands to answer, and among all the answers, the correct one was: the cooking time of the rice. That is, it is on point.

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According to natalia

We are in such a critical moment that, if we are not able to ensure sustainable energy, rice may outlive its time. Little by little, we see how energy prices increase. Until generating social inequalities in access to pampering. There are more and more families and people in complicated Cambodia WhatsApp Number List economic situations, which do not allow them to make normal use of a basic good for people’s lives. Therefore, we are not responding to this situation as quickly as would be needed. «we are facing a great challenge worldwide that requires a change in our entire system. And, now is the time.

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