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As long as we raise chickens, there will be pandemics

Dr. Michael Greger, an infectious disease expert, declared that the current COVID-19 is just a “dress rehearsal for the next pandemic.” Dr. Michael Greger, an infectious disease expert, declared that the current COVID-19 is just a “dress rehearsal for the next pandemic. He also spoke about the threat posed by the mass raising of a chickens for consumption due to the epidemics that this industry  has caused. Greger, who is As long as we raise also a renowned international speaker on nutrition. Food security and public health, explains in his new book. How to Survive a Pandemic the role of humans in the generation and spread of infectious diseases and, in particular. How Chicken farming is threatening and putting us at risk of future pandemics.

We were the first to expose

The terrible reality hidden in the chicken industry in Mexico. Watch the video of the investigation here. You may be interested. Joaquin Phoenix, Robert De Niro and others demand urgent action after COVID-19 The deadly Avian Flu Before COVID-19. The last major threat Hong Kong Phone Number List was bird flu, which is a disease that can infect almost all species of birds. Including chickens raised for consumption on giant factory farms. The outbreak began in Asia in and raised the alarm worldwide with the WHO urging several international institutions to implement prevention measures and plans in order to reduce the risk of spread to humans.

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The ability of this virus to infect

Pigs has been known for a long time. But since it has made leaps to other species such as cats and mice. Its ability to directly infect humans has also been documented. And can cause acute forms of influenza that in many Canada Phone Number List cases have caused the death of many people.  Which is why it is considered a much more worrying public health problem. Do you want to be up to date with everything that happens to animals and know how to help them? Subscribe now to our newsletter. That would forever change our understanding of how serious pandemics could be.

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