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How to Refresh Marketing Content Effectively?

The idea of ​​content marketing is based on creating new content that responds to the problems and inquiries of your customers. This means that each new scenario requires the creation of completely new content.

Found a frequently searched keyword? You create new content that targets them. If a piece of content becomes outdated for various reasons, you let it “die” or create a new, up-to-date version.

Following this track, you enter a monotonous path of constantly creating new content, which takes up more and more of your time, which you don’t have much anyway.

Is there another, more effective solution?


It’s called evergreen content.

What is Evergreen Content Marketing?

Evergreen content is content that stays relevanttime to Database make regardless of the season or time frame, just like trees that never lose their leaves. In terms of value, this is content that never loses its base level of traffic.

With the right content marketing strategy, evergreen content will continually generate interest and people will continue to search for it for months, years, and even decades.


Today I would like to introduce you to a simple yet effective process to keep your content marketing as up-to-date as possible.

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An example of such content can be, for example, the report

However, you must remember that “evergreen” does not mean constant growth. If you publish “evergreen” content and forget about it, the traffic generated by it slowly dies down over time.

Any type of content needs to be nurtured and maintained with regular updates, often called content refreshing .

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