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World Food Day for a future without cruelty

However,Today it is appropriate to remember that we can make consumption decisions to feed ourselves without harming animals. Every year World Food Day is celebrat. Which was proclaim by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) in 1979 with the World Food Day aim of raising awareness about food problems and fighting against hunger and malnutrition. and poverty. However, Because it is important? A date like this is conducive to remembering that each animal product consume causes immense suffering to animals raise for consumption in addition to the devastation of the planet, our only home.

How does it affect animals

Industrial livestock farming is responsible for causing the greatest mistreatment and number of deaths of animals in history. Each year, this industry kills 1,684,000,000,000 (one million six hundr and eighty-four billion) animals, an amount equivalent to the human Switzerland Phone Number List population of 240 planets on Earth. From their first day until their last breath they only know abuse and are subject to the most atrocious and cruel practices. And to the planet. The greatest threat of our times is climate change and industrial livestock farming has a great responsibility in that regard.

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Around 15% of total greenhouse gas

Emissions worldwide are emitt by this industry. And, according to a study by the University of Oxford , in the year 2050, half of these gases will be produced by our current food production system. Furthermore, livestock activity occupies 45% of the planet’s habitable land UK Phone Number List and consumes a third of the world’s drinking water. What do the experts say? The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Therefore, The highest international body on climate change, declare that the most effective way to combat this phenomenon is to opt for a plant-base diet. The EAT-Lancet Commission, made up of 30 scientists. Present the “Planetary Diet. However, Which requires a cut in meat consumption by 50% and doubling that of legumes. Fruits, vegetables and nuts.

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