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Many documents that would indicate the fulfillment

However, the aforementiond Act on the provision of electronic services indicates numerous obligations on the part of the entrepreneur (service provider) in the field of providing on-line services. Below we will try to discuss the most important of them. Most of these obligations, most often, are indicatd in the regulations of the online store. These regulations should be in a clearly accessible place on the website, as well as at the time of purchase of a given product on the entrepreneur’s website.

A website we do not feel overwhelmed

The regulations should include information requird by the Act on the provision of electronic services, as well as by the GDPR in phone number list the field of information clauses. When creating the regulations of an online store, we must also take into account the provisions of the Civil Code, the Act on Copyright and Relatd Rights. In this article, we will try to highlight the most important and necessary from the point of view of compliance of the regulations with applicable regulations.

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Endlessly and in fact when entering

It is a good practice to place the definitions of the most important terms from the regulations at the beginning of the regulations, so Mobile Lead that the customer has no doubts when interpreting them. Most often, we explain there who the Consumer, Customer, Store are, what we mean by Goods, Personal data, Data Administrator, etc. It is worth including in the definition any words that may be unclear to the reader of the regulations. First, he must provide the seller’s exact details enabling full identification.

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