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What does Collaboration mean in practice, and its applications at work!

Think back to your last team meeting. I think it’s fair to say that most team meetings are led by one person standing in front of a whiteboard, recording thoughts and explaining concepts to the group. If someone wants to explain an idea or contribute to the discussion, they can take their place in front of the whiteboard. They may not even write on the whiteboard, so their thoughts aren’t even recorded. This is one form of workplace collaboration, but we at Teledata are not convinced that this type of collaboration leads to the innovation and success we imagine most companies want.

Imagine how chaotic it can get

When ten people end up in front of a whiteboard, different words and colorful diagrams scattere across the board and no clear order. Then, at the end of the meeting, employees return to their desks without a written record of what was discusse. One person may bring out a smartphone to take a picture, which they may or may not share with the rest of the group. Try using visual aids like mind maps that are create on the fly. These visuals are projecte at the front of the room to guide the meeting, and everyone’s thoughts are recorde on the mind map for a clear record.

After the meeting

This visual can be easily emaile to the entire team and save for future reference by team members in the meeting or team members absent from the meeting. Additionally, when a visual like a mind map is use, there is always a clear order to the ideas share during the meeting, especially if the team uses a mind map. Topics are easily broken down into concepts, and the relationship between concepts can be easily understood. Is this really what collaboration is?

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Yes. Collaboration is a process through which a group of people constructively explore their ideas to find a solution that expands their own limite vision. Today, as businesses move at an ever-increasing pace, working in isolation puts companies at a disadvantage, which is why visual meetings that engage everyone in the room are important. Collaboration leads to the innovative solutions and outcomes that businesses need to succee. There are three types of collaboration:

Team collaboration
Community collaboration
Network collaboration

In each of these types of collaboration

New ideas are generate and explore. However, collaboration is not just a one-time event or something that can be done without practice. Collaboration is a process that continues and mobile lead improves over time. The more a group of people collaborate, the more meaningful their working relationships become. As working relationships become more comfortable and fluid, teams are better able to share and discuss ideas, which means that the results will be increasingly successful. So, how do you get starte?

Top 3 Tips for Collaboration in the Workplace

Here are some tips to help you start creating a more collaborative work environment, it’s worth trying:
This may seem obvious, but I think it’s still worth mentioning. In fact, it may be the most important step. Share your ideas with your coworkers, contacts, managers, and anyone else who will listen. Remember the saying “two heads are better than one”? When you challenge yourself to communicate an idea, even in the early stages, it forces you to clarify your thinking so that someone else can understand. The act of communicating alone can develop your idea. Plus, by opening your idea up to criticism, you’ll get more ideas from the person you share the idea with.


Yes, you should visualize where you want your idea to go. But even more importantly, use visuals to communicate your ideas and clarify them at the most simplistic level. Visuals are a great facilitator for strategic thinking and planning. In fact, many of us already think and communicate visually, whether we agent email list realize it or not. The human brain can and does convert auditory and kinesthetic information into visual information, but the efficiency of the process depends on the complexity and speed at which the information is being communicate. Visuals are scientifically proven to be up to 6 times more effective than words alone.


When building collaborative relationships, it’s important to give credit when your team member has contribute a good idea, hard work, or even good constructive criticism. Collaborative relationships work best when team members feel value. Additionally, it’s important to remember that each team member is on the team for a reason—they are skille in their field. Each person has their own way of completing a task, which may not be the same way you would complete the task. What other tips would you include for a company looking to become more collaborative? If you don’t have the first tactic to try, we suggest trying to incorporate visual meetings. These are highly collaborative and engaging for all team members. Plus, they revolve around visuals that will clearly communicate the main goal and keep the team on track.

Follow the platform rules when it comes to response time.

Creating customer experiences is about nurturing and caring for each individual customer.

Hopefully these tips will help your call center customer service team improve the customer experience.


Customer expectations are higher than ever and word of mouth travels fast!

And as the customer becomes even more empowere, the importance of the customer service experience increases.

Customer experience is an area that needs constant care and attention, and with a greater focus on customer experience strategy, companies will see a positive impact on customer loyalty, increase retention, and increase revenue.
Consider enlisting professional services help from your UC or video conferencing vendor to make this integration work. Your team may not have the time to navigate a substantial learning curve, nor will they have the partner connections available to vendors to troubleshoot unexpecte issues. A strong professional services team can be worth the price if they get the project done on time, get it right the first time, and provide users with a great initial video conferencing experience.

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