Therefore, pay attention to the stage of the sales process in the production of content. Also, choose good topics, use keywords that place your brand in the google search ranking, be objective when answering customer questions, generate content that can engage your audience. Newsletters Newsletters are important Email Marketing tools. Therefore, it is a simple email, which is sent to the entire company’s contact base. Thus, regardless of the interest of these contacts, the newsletter will be forwarded to everyone. With the possibility of dealing with various topics through it, the newsletter is a good tool to be used at the top of the funnel. introductory ebooks The production of e-books, free of charge, is a technique widely used when the proposal is to generate leads.

Although it is a more detailed production of information, it is common for there to be interaction between the company and the customer in the exchange for this type of content. In this tool, your company will be able to provide content that will help the customer, naturally, attracting visitors to your website and increasing the chances of convincing them to buy your product. Webinars An efficient transmission tool when the objective is to produce content and generate Leads, this, in a simpler way when compared to the production of an e-book, for example. In a live broadcast, the webinar also helps in exchanging contact, thus strengthening the relationship between the lead and its content, creating a contact base.

Thus, here too, there is an opportunity to involve professionals from other areas of the company in the production of content, for example a salesperson, a developer or the customer service team. Contents for the Middle of the Funnel Templates Templates are models that fit in different contexts like spreadsheets, presentations or  Mobile Lead  anything that facilitates the accomplishment of a task. It is a tool that requires a minimum investment of time, as companies generally already have ready-made internal models. That way, at most what you need is to make adaptations before making it available to the public, for example, adding a text with instructions for using the template. Templates are quite efficient in nurturing mid-funnel leads. Considering the general information about the area in which your business operates has already been passed on at the top.

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