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How to position short videos in the Google SERP

Google is aware of the preference that users have for videos. However, it has realized that it is not giving enough visibility to the content in this format, so it is beginning to solve it so as not to lose its position as the main search engine. For all these reasons, for the most used search engine worldwide, positioning videos is now a priority. Google has already begun to track all URLs to identify which are those that host short videos and start positioning them . Pages-with-videos-google-search-console At this point, you are surely wondering what happens to the videos hosted on your social media profile . In the case of TikTok, being a platform available through browsers and having a standard URL, they can be detected without any problem.

Find what your audience is looking for and create videos about it

However, platforms like Instagram or. Facebook would have a very different situation, since Meta usually prevents posts from these. Social networks from appearing on the Google SERP. Pages-with-videos-google-search-console-2 How can you position Bahamas Whatsapp Number List a short video Leaving aside the topic of social media videos, there are many things you can do to improve the SEO positioning of your videos. Here are 6 key tips. Find what your audience is looking for and create videos about it The first step for your videos to have good SEO positioning results in the Google SERP is that they answer frequently asked questions that users are looking for.

If you have a company blog, add your videos to the articles to position them

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To find out which are the most claimed themes, there are many platforms dedicated to searching for Google keywords that can help you, such as Ahrefs, Semrush or the Google Ads Google Keyword Planner, among many others. If your short Mobile Lead videos are on YouTube. Seek to position on the platform to position on. Google Despite the fact that Google does not reveal its algorithms. It seems that YouTube is one of the. Video platforms that ranks best in the search engine. Therefore, if you want the tech giant to rank your videos on its SERP, one way to do it is by getting good SEO positioning on YouTube .

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