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Probably, Updating the Firmware of Such Routers Will Be Enough to Use the New Standard.

You may not have to wait until the 802.11ad standard becomes available to feel a noticeable boost in Wi-Fi (wireless internet) speeds. The Wi-Fi Alliance has officially announced the 802.11ac wave 2 standard, which promises a big leap in speed without reinventing the wheel. The new standard is double bandwidth per channel, so under the right conditions your wireless home network can have twice the performance. Features of the new 802.11ac wave 2 standard networks are capable of multitasking, sending data to multiple devices at once instead of one at the same time. Improvement of overall network performance and throughput, 160MHz Channels: Wi-Fi CERTIFIED ac increases the maximum channel bandwidth from 80MHz to 160MHz, potentially doubling internet data speeds, Four spatial streams.

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The speed of the device is proportional to the number of spatial streams. Wi-Fi CERTIFIED ac now includes support for four spatial streams, up from the previous three streams, Extended 5GHz channel support: Wi-Fi 801.11 ac allows  devices to operate on more available channels in the 5GHz band. Support for additional channels allows more efficient use of available spectrum Vietnam B2B List and reduces interference and congestion by minimizing the number of networks operating on overlapping channels. What’s the best thing about the new standard? Some commercially available wireless routers may already support the new standard  the latest Linksys models.

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