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What are the Types of Hackers?

The losses they cause are often not small, because the victims have to spend time and money to repair the computer or network that was hacked. 2. White hat hackers conversely, a white hat hacker is a type of hacker who uses his skills for positive things, such as finding network security holes to avoid hacking attacks. That is why white hat hackers are often recruited by companies to maintain their websites or network systems. White hat hackers are also required to be extra thorough, because they must be able to find security holes before they are discovered by black hat hackers. 3. Gray hat hackers gray hat hacker is a type of hacker who does not include black hat or white hat. In other words, this type of hacker has neither good nor bad intentions.

Malware Attacks

Generally, gray hat hackers do not intend to damage systems or fix security holes. They are just “fad” or want to find satisfaction when they find a security system that can be exploited. 4. Script kiddies script kiddies are a type of hacker who usually doesn’t have in-depth knowledge of hacking techniques. That’s why they take advantage of scripts made by other hackers to carry out hacking activities. For example, they can use a script to carry out a ddos attack on a website. Thus, the website that was attack becomes inaccessible. 5 most common types of hack attacks illustration of a hacker’s hand Indian Business Fax List typing above, you have seen various terms relate to hack attacks. Starting from phishing, malware, brute force , mitm to ddos. But, what do these terms actually mean? In short, these are some of the most common examples of hack attacks. Next, we will go into more detail about the 5 types of hack attacks.

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Most Common Types of Hack Attacks

Phishing phishing is a type of hack attack in which the hacker pretends to be a “truste figure” to gain access to the victim’s personal information. For example, suppose you go to a web page whose content is very similar to the website you usually visit. However, the website address is different. Suppose the real address is examplewebsite.com and the fake address is example-website.xyz. So, if you log in to a fake website, the username and password data that Mobile Lead you enter will immediately fall into the hands of hackers. 2. Malware attacks malware is an abbreviation of malicious software , which means software that is dangerous. As the name implies, malware is software create to damage a computer, server or network. Generally, hackers insert malware into devices or networks to cause damage from within.

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